Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Ranch Librarian Catch-Up: #realtalk

Guys, it's NOVEMBER.

How did that happen???

Also, today marks the 18th week of my pregnancy.

Yes, you read that right: my pregnancy! If you follow my social media then you know all about this HUGE thing that's happened in the life of me and Hubster, but if this is news to you, believe me, you aren't the only one shocked! I still have a hard time believing it some days.
Belly photos! Pregnancy Announcement! A 40 Week Journal! Ultrasound!
It's all still so unbelievable that I can hardly wrap my mind around it.
Hubs and I were more than a little surprised when we got a positive pregnancy test in August, telling us that we were expecting a little on at the beginning of April. And it feels like life has been a whirlwind since then: we had family visiting for the Eclipse, then I competed at the Inaugural Event at Archer in Cheyenne, Wyoming (7 weeks preggers!), then school started, I got hit by First Trimester Exhaustion, and now, here it is: November.

But all that being said, I have SO MUCH to catch up on.

For real.

I want to tell you all about my first eventing season with Jet, which went so well (and yes, I am still riding pregnant, which is probably something else to talk about as well). I want to tell you about the Eclipse and miscarriage awareness and working with a midwife and John Green's new book and pregnancy after infertility and NaNoWriMo and the Gatsby book and SO MANY other things too!

But I figured I should say hello first.

So, hello.

Happy fall (or, if you are in my neck of the woods, winter. Because it was 60 degrees yesterday, and now there are INCHES of snow outside on the ground).

I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving, and anxiously awaiting the moment that I start feeling this little one kicking around in my belly.

So keep your eyes peeled and get ready: there are awesome things on the way!

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